Thursday, September 15, 2011

Updated Forum Guidelines!

Please take note of the following rules & guidelines before posting in the ShoppingLifestyle forum. Any member who doesn't follow the guidelines may be suspended without warning and have all her postings deleted.
1. No sales/advertising for commercial benefits regardless of for your personal business/MLM company. Users caught will be issued with only 1 warning before immediately suspension & ban in membership.
2. No commercial messages, hyperlinks & advertisements leading to your personal website URLs like blogs/commercial websites/web portals.
Any inappropriate postings or links found in both thread postings & signature will be dealt with accordingly if deem unsuitable or is in a clash of interest corresponding to the interest of this forum and the related forum headings.
3. Objective of forum is purely meant for discussions among forum users and voicing feedbacks, suggestions, advices and personal ideas into the thread postings and discussions.
4. Short Sharp and Precise use of texts for Subject Headings (E.g: Undesirable Customer Service with XXX Company instead of Bad Customer Service) so as to allow users to know instantly if it抯 a thread on a problem/question/seeking advice. Thread Subject have display two elements ?primary your query/advice and secondary any reference to your query/advice. Example Advice Needed for ABE Facial Form ?stating your query and product details/company
5. No hi-jacking of individual threads for advice ?E.g: Thread posting about A talks about personal relationship problem, than B comes in with his/her relationship problem address different area of concerns.
6. Text Audibility ?all texts written should be clear and easy to read for our eyes. No fanciful 慸esigner?style texts with use of capital and non-capital characters in a single word; E.g: 揑抦 hearing words in my mind?instead of 揑 aM HeArTinG WORDS iN MY MinD.?
7. Please try to be neat and have spacing and paragraphs, divide your advice/queries into different paragraphs, don抰 chunk them together in a single big paragraph as this will exert more strength on the eyes to read and decipher to digest the contents.
8. Choose and Post to the Correct Forum else thread posting will be deleted due to repeated hassle of moving threads and duplicates in both forums. E.g: Don抰 ask Medical regarding sex issues in Love & Relationship forum. Instead the correct one should be Health & Wellness
9. No spaming or over posting to in hope to gain rank to be auto promoted to the forum rank of groupie, if found to be guilty of charge, user will be suspended/ & banned with IP Address Blacklisted!
10. Please do not do duplicated postings with identical contents in multiple threads.

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